

Look out, we’re coming!.

21 Jul 15
1 minute

This summer you will have an exclusive chance to meet us during three games industry events!

GDC Europe: 3 – 4 August, Cologne, Germany

Gamescom: 5 – 11 August, Cologne, Germany

Casual Connect USA: 11 – 13 August, San Fransisco, USA

The Game Developers Conference™ Europe (GDC Europe) is a gamedev event for professionals only, packed with lectures for creators of computer, mobile, and online games.

GDC Europe is immediately followed by Gamescom, the world’s largest interactive games fair, open for public.

Casual Connect USA, produced by the Casual Games Association, is the premiere event for the casual games industry professionals that gathers top experts in the field.

Find out more about Ten Square Games here: PDF company presentation

If you are interested in partnering with us, contact us at:

see also .

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Termination of the contract for the distribution of Fishing Clash in China

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Alex Balińska from Hunting Clash Team
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