

2022 Eco League – Sustainable habits and planting trees.

04 Jul 22
3 minutes

UNESCO’s 2020 The World in 2030 survey found that 67% of the 15,000 people surveyed believed that climate change is the top concern our world is facing over the next 10 years. We believe that to be true, which is why we’re committed to becoming carbon neutral by the end of the year, and why we celebrated Earth Day and World Environmental Day in our games by having players participate in eco-events.

We do realize, however, that it takes everyone’s concerted effort to fight climate change. That is why, while driving eco-awareness in our players, we always add some eco-education for our team.

That is why we created the Eco League, a gamified internal company event, where volunteers from our team compete in eco-friendly challenges to see who can score the most points… which we then turn into trees!

Not our first eco-rodeo

Last year, due to the pandemic, our event was focused on remote participation, however, this year, our teams managed to come together in various locations to complete special, unique challenges, which included changing daily routines, calculating the carbon footprint of a meal, and building birdhouses.

“This is my second Eco League, and once again I had a chance to reflect on how my daily choices affect the environment. I had my 5-year-old daughter join me in the tasks, and it was an awesome opportunity to talk to her about things relating to the environment and remind her (and myself!) that apparently simple choices and habits have an impact on the future of our planet. We talked about the carbon footprint, veganism, biodiversity, and the fact that it’s important to think twice before buying new clothes or toys. We both had a load of fun, and managed to clean a big part of a local forest and inspire our neighbors to do the same as a part of one of the tasks.” adds Maja Kosioł, Translation & Localization Specialist.

Tasks for trees

Once again, our team took the challenges head-on, with participants earning 6298 eco-points, which meant we would plant 315 trees, however, we decided to double that contribution, meaning 630 trees were planted in Poland. The challenge was won by the Say Yes to the Beavers team, which scored 583 points across all tasks, blowing the competition out of the water.

“I try my best to be eco-aware in my everyday life, save water, recycle, avoid wasting food, and when I found out that my habits can be turned into planted trees, I knew I had to take part in the TSG Eco League. The hardest part for me was calculating the carbon footprint of a meal — I usually don’t weigh my ingredients when cooking, but it was an interesting experience. My favorite tasks were the offline tasks, and the handmade birdfeeder made the kids in my daughter’s preschool very happy.” says Ola Wronecka, TSG’s Communication Specialist, one of the winners.

While the scale was smaller than last year’s event, which was boosted by some extra free time brought about by the lockdown, many #TeamTSG members came back to once again show their eco-awareness and help the world while doing so. We’re thankful for our team’s dedication to the cause, and we can’t wait to see them applying what they’ve learned in the real world.

see also .

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