

Running for a cause.

18 May 15
1 minute

It was a third edition of the Wrocław Company Race (Bieg Firmowy), which is a charity event for runners, who compete in 4 person teams. This year the race saw a record number of participants – 3.5 thousand! The teams had to run 20 km, 5 km for each team member. The TSG Team’s final time was quite impressive – 1 h 30 min 52 s, which put them on the 115th place (out of 809 teams)!

Congratulaions to Nokia Running Team 1 for the gold medal! And to all other participants for reaching the finish line! We hope to see even more of you next year 😉

The warm-up is crucial before any physical activity, and nothing is more fun than warming up with over 3 thousand other runners 😉

The weather was great! Chilling before the run:

And they’re off!

The proud TSG Team after the run:

True, they were a bit tired 😉

see also .

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