

Ten Square Games wins the EB Innovation Award at EBEA 2021.

13 Sep 21
2 minutes

The Employer Branding Excellence Awards have been organized for over a decade by the HRM Institute, recognizing the best project in that area for over a year. The jury awards prizes in eight categories. In this year’s edition, Ten Square Games won the main prize in the EB Innovation award for our Boost Week Project.

Boost Week was our first internal conference organized in April 2021. During the Boost Week, our employees gave and participated in 15 lectures and a game jam, during which they created games in 48 hours. The Game Jam saw 18 teams of employees with varied experience in creating games joining together to create a winning piece of entertainment. These choices were all made to help expand our team’s knowledge, do some team-building and allow meeting people you don’t work with on a day-to-day basis, all during remote work. – We hired 250 new employees during the pandemic. Given remote work, Boost Week was our way of showing new hires our work culture based on teamwork, creativity, and knowledge sharing, thus solidifying the knowledge from their onboarding.Mirosława Bartmańska, Employer Branding Manager at Ten Square Games, says.

The unique event engaged around 200 employees, making up two-thirds of the company. Hoping for high engagement, we decided to gamify the event. Every activity was rewarded with Boost Coins, a virtual currency that they could then exchange for awesome prizes like a PlayStation 5, Nintendo Switch, or gaming accessories. We’re thrilled with the results. 93% of surveyed employees said they liked the gamification, and many of them also said that they hope we go back to the concept next year.Paweł Szpiczakowski, Unity Talent Mentor & Developer Advocate, explains.   

In our New Normal reality, creativity in management is fundamental. Long-term remote work can have a negative impact on relationships within teams; that’s why at Ten Square Games, we’re constantly ensuring a connection with expertise and expression. We want to show our team that knowledge sharing and improving your skills can be an opportunity to have fun together. Boost Week has exceeded our expectations and confirmed that giving our team creative challenges motivates them.Mirosława Bartmańska adds.

The award was received by the project’s creators: Mirosława Bartmańska, Aleksandra Wronecka, and Paweł Szpiczakowski, who appeared at the gala to represent the company as well as the absent co-creator of the project, Karolina Stryjek.

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